What’s The Difference Between A Box Store Water Heater And A Professional-grade Water Heater?

Water heaters are the unsung heroes of the plumbing world. They help us stay warm, clean, and safe in our homes. But did you know that water heaters come in a wide range of models, sizes, and price points? There are two different types of water heaters: one is a standard box store model, which can be purchased at any hardware store and installed by anyone who knows how to use a wrench. The other is a professional-grade water heater — and they’re not just for plumbers! There are some differences between the two types of water heaters, but generally speaking, they both do the same thing: provide hot water for your home. The big difference between them is quality and reliability. When you are in the market for a new water heater, you may find yourself asking the question, “What’s the difference between a box store water heater and a professional-grade water heater?” Whether you’re looking for water heater installation in Encinitas or a new unit or repair an existing one,...