Does Insurance Coverage Really Pay for Slab Leak Detection? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Any water leak, even a minor pipe leak can cause distress to your life until it is properly fixed. Unfortunately, slab leaks are some of the severe types of water leaks a property owner can ever come across. When you are hit with a slab leak, one of the first things that come to your mind is “Will insurance pay for my slab leak?” We will answer your question as well as provide you an insight on effective slab leak repair in Encinitas . Regrettably, there’s no solid yes or no answer to this question. It requires the combined analysis of various factors to arrive at a conclusion. Fortunately, you will have a clear idea of the answer to your question by the end of this article. Let’s dive in! What is a Slab Leak Anyway? Before you call your insurance company and say that your home has a slab leak that needs insurance coverage, you should know what a slab leak really is. The slab is the concrete foundation on which your home is built. A slab leak occurs when there’s a leak in on...